Kicking the off season off Las Vegas sends veteran SP Jarvis to Trenton for 2 SP prospects.
Columbus sends 2 prospects to Austin for CF/3B Welington Perez
Winner: Columbus
Columbus sends 1b Branson and P Mota to Fargo for 2 SS
Tampa Bay sends RHrl Hector Lee and $1.8 mil in cash to Austin for prospect
Winner: Push, TB sheds salary, Austin gets a veteran closer
Montgomery sends CF Cliff Thomas and $2 mil to Augusta for SS prospect Gonzalez and a reliever
Cheyenne sends 3b Juan Gonzalez and Weiss to LA Lunatics for 3 prospects
Honolulu sends #3 prospect Todd Magnuson and Norm Farr to Las Vegas for SS Jimmie Reyes, 2 other players and $1 mil
Cheyenne sends SP John Williams and RF Adam Ransom (ideal name for the trade) to Honolulu for 2 solid prospects
Texas sends SP David Cheng to New Britain for CF prospect Martin
Winner: Texas, acquiring Martin a nice pick up for the future.
Syracuse Marshals send 3 players to Augusta for stud prospect McDowell
Winner: Syracuse, a win-win for both teams but I like what Syracuse got for the future.
Florida sends 2b Vin Pujols and $2 mil to New Britain for 2 solid prospects